Bank Forms

These forms are in PDF fillable format and can be opened with Adobe Reader. You can type in your information* and print the form, then submit it to us as instructed on the form. Forms cannot be sent electronically through this web site; they can be sent on our CSIeSafe secure email service.

Account Forms:

Account Change
Account, Open New (online)
Address Change
Name Removal From Account 
Notification of Death
Close Account  (no form, the account owner needs to come in or call us at 1-800-633-2423 to close)

Customer Service:

Complaint Form

Name Change Procedure:

When changing your name due to marriage, divorce, adoption, etc., you will need to go to a DSB branch or main office to make the change. Please bring supporting legal documents such as drivers license that shows your new name, marriage certificate, divorce decree or adoption paper. The bank can change your name on records only after all required documents are provided.

Transaction Forms:

Automated Recurring Transfers From Another Bank to DSB
Automated Recurring Transfers Between Accounts Within DSB
Opt-In Consent For Overdraft Services: Single, One-Time Debit Card Transactions
Federal Direct Deposit Sign-Up (non fillable)

Dispute Forms: Visa Debit Card

Visa Debit Card Dispute Form  
Visa Debit Cardholders Rights and Liabilities on Disputes

Dispute Forms: Other

Stop Payment Request Order and Statement of Unauthorized or Improper Entry 
Forged Signature Affidavit 
ATM Transaction Dispute 
Release of Information

Loan Applications

Uniform Real Estate Application (URLA) 1003 Form
Online mortgage application form
Consumer credit application form

Wire Transfer Forms:

Wire Agreement Form
Wire-Out Request: in-person
Wire-Out Request: by phone, fax or email

Worksheets (Excel): 

Click the file name below, then do a "Save As..." command and save the Excel file to your PC, then you can begin keying in your data. There are no formulas in the cells on the financial statements, so you will need to add your own formulas and/or do your own calculations. If you want to submit a completed Financial Statement form to the bank, for security reasons you need to send it on our CSIeSafe secure messaging system. Formulas are included in the Checking Account Reconciliation and Register worksheet.

Financial Statement: Commercial
Financial Statement: Agriculture 
Checking Account Reconciliation and Checkbook Register

Donations Form:

Corporate Donations and Guidelines

Other Forms:

Consumer Privacy Disclosure
Application for DSB Employment 
DSB Informational Guide for New Account/New Customer

Switch Accounts to DSB Forms:

Switch Kit Account Forms (non fillable)
Open New DSB Account Online

*  Forms were created in PDF-fillable format. To be able to key in information on the forms, your browser needs to support PDF-fillable forms. If you click the form and it is not fillable, you can do a “Save As” function and save the file to a PDF format, then open the saved PDF document and fill in your information and save the document again. The Windows Edge browser does not support PDF-fillable forms at this time.