You can open a personal checking, savings, or CD account in these ways:
- Phone, business hours: The easiest way to open an additional account is to call us during regular weekday hours and talk with a CSR, since we already have your profile information on file.
- In Person, business hours: Visit any of our banking locations during business hours to open.
- Online, any time: If you have a DSBconnect login, click the plus sign "+" at top of My Accounts > Open An Account and follow from there. If you do not have have a login, open and fund the account on our NuFund site; you will need to provide your SSN and driver's license number and be able to answer "out of wallet" identity challenge questions based on your credit report.
- In Person, business hours: Visit any of our banking locations during business hours to open. Have ready your driver's license or government-issued ID card, and source of funds for the opening transaction.
- Online, any time: Open and fund the account on our NuFund site. You will need to provide your SSN and driver's license number and be able to answer "out of wallet" identity challenge questions based on your credit report.
For both current and new customers, any bank forms required can be e-signed through our remote e-signing service. No trip to bank needed to sign.
View current deposit account rates.
Click for info about mortgage loans and other loan types.