Switch Deposit Accounts To Denison State Bank

Follow These 4 Easy Steps:

STEP 1. Open Up Your New Account at Denison State Bank.
Your first step is to open your Denison State Bank deposit account (checking, savings, money market, CD/IRA). Stop by one of our branches in Holton, Hoyt, Meriden or Topeka, or apply for personal checking and savings online here. We can go ahead and open the account here while you are in the process of closing the account at your current institution. To open the account, we will need you to provide proper identification and the minimum opening deposit amount.


STEP 2. Access Your New DSB Account.
Place your initial order for checks and deposit slips directly with us when opening the account. Once your first order is received, you can re-order more through us or online.

Debit card: request a DSB Visa Debit Card for yourself and any joint account holder.

DSBconnect digital banking and online statements/notices: click to register.

Telebanking: set up a 4-digit PIN with any of our bankers.


STEP 3. Switch Over Your Automatic Transactions.
The forms below will help you contact the companies and financial institutions which handle your automatic deposits and withdrawals. The official Routing Number for Denison State Bank is: 101108034.

Switch Forms:
Close Account - Change Payroll/Direct Deposit - Change Automatic Withdrawal

Use this checklist to keep track of companies you may need to contact:

Direct Deposits
   Your employer’s human resources department
   The company handling your retirement or pension payments
   Social Security Administration

Direct Withdrawals
   Mortgage company 
   Insurance companies
   Investment companies
   Utility, telephone and cable companies

STEP 4. Close Your Old Account(s).
Be sure to leave your old account active long enough to allow outstanding checks and electronic withdrawals to clear. Leave enough money in place to cover these transactions. This process may take several weeks. Once you’re sure that the old account is inactive, you can ask your previous financial institution to send you the balance from that account. Then you can destroy your old checks, debit cards and deposit slips