Text Alerts, Text Banking
Text Alerts
Text Alerts are one-way alerts that the bank pushes to you on mobile phone text, with no action you can take other than to read it. This is set up in two sections of the main menu of the DSB mobile banking app:
1. Profile > Phones: you need to first verify a valid mobile phone number is on record, and you must turn ON the Text Alerts button.
2. Documents & Alerts > Manage Alerts: click the plus button “+” to set up alerts.
Text Banking: 662265
Text Banking is where you can use your mobile phone to text keywords to our Text Banking number 662265 (MOBANK). Those keywords are:
-- BAL: will send you back the Available Balance of the default account you have set up.
-- ACT: will send you back the most recent transactions of the default account you have set up. (ACT = Activity)
-- HELP: general help.
-- CMD: will show you all the keyword commands available.
To use Text Banking, you first need to go to Profile > Phones > click the SMS Text Banking button to "On." You can choose your default account here if you have more than one account here at DSB.