Frequently Asked Questions About DSBconnect

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Aggregator login attempts
If you see an unsuccessful DSBconnect login attempt, it could be a "data aggregator" that you have indirectly used in the past with other programs, such as money-movement (Paypal, Venmo, etc.) and money-management apps (Quicken, Mint, etc.).  It also could be an intermediary "authenticator" program such as Plaid. Some of these aggregators work through Amazon, and those always show as originating from Ashburn, Virginia.  Data aggregators don't use the digital banking credentials as much as they “sweep” the bank customer's account. Any third party that you have shared your DSBconnect username with (sometimes referred to as "Customer Number") may sweep a customer account occasionally to monitor balances and to determine if the account remains open for ongoing transactions. For example, if the customer has connected their account to Quicken or Mint, then they may sweep the account to check the validity and availability of the account. 

If you change your DSB password in the Profile section of your DSB login, then that aggregator may no longer be able to do a sweep. Generally, there is no risk for loss and no risk for discontinued service with your outside app. 

Here is what our digital provider says about this, and you can do an internet search for “data aggregators” to learn more. 

“Third party aggregators that the account is linked to can cause these false logins. The digital banking system is seeing a failed login from that aggregator. Anytime a customer has their account linked to a site or an app, the logins can be triggered by the third-party logins. “

For more about Amazon aggregators, click here. 

Apps (Other)
Denison State Bank owns and is responsible for only one app:  the DSBconnect mobile banking app available to registered account holder users.  Browser-based logins can be made on the DSB website DSB does partner with other allied partners that may have servicing logins available to you, such as real estate applications and check ordering.

Outside money-related apps such as Cash App, Every Dollar, Venmo and Paypal may claim that they can connect to your bank account information with your provided input for funds transfers in and out.  However, if the app attempts to login as you by going to our login site, that login will fail as the app program will be unable to penetrate past the 4-part authentication on our logins:  username, password, multi-factor security answer, and multi-factor to linked phone number or email address.
If an app uses Plaid authentication, the “Instant Authentication” that requests your DSBconnect login credentials will not work; instead the micro-deposits option presented by Plaid must be used. Some money-management apps may request your DSB login credentials for account aggregation and data sharing, and those will fail too for the above authentication reasons.  DSB provides support only on its own app, not the apps of other companies.

DSB is not a contracted bank in the Zelle network.

External Transfers conducted on DSBconnect may not work with non-bank accounts. Some apps in their instructions do provide a valid bank account and routing number for bank transfers to occur on.  Our transfers cannot be sent to only an app account number; our transfers can only be sent to bank account and routing numbers. 

Person to Person (P2P) transfers conducted on DSBconnect can be sent only to open and valid debit card numbers.

The only other third-party provider that DSB is contracted with for digital banking integration is Intuit for Quicken and QuickBooks, and even on that, DSB provides only “Web Connect” service that requires data exporting to a stand-alone file and not Express digital uploading.

Security and protection of our account holder information is paramount, and we must see ample evidence that integrating with any outside company or provider meets our security and protection standards and complies with all related rules and regulations.

Bill Pay: timing of scheduling, delivery, funding
              Scheduling: when you schedule a Bill Pay now, the date selected is the DELIVER BY date, not the SEND date.  The DELIVER BY date is the projected date the payment will arrive to the payee, either electronically or by mailed check, depending solely on how that payee is set up.

Delivery Time: if a Bill Pay is sent electronically, it takes 2 days to arrive from the Processing Date. If a Bill Pay is sent by mailed check, it is subject to regular postal delivery, which is 5-7 days.

Funding: if a Bill Pay is sent electronically, the funds are debited on the Processing Date, which is 2 days before the Delivery date. If a Bill Pay is sent by mailed check, the funds are debited if and when the payee cashes or deposits that check and creates a clearing on your DSB checking account, just like a regular check that you would issue.

Face ID (Apple) and Fingerprint ID (Android)
If the FaceID icon is missing from the DSBconnect login screen on your DSB mobile banking app, you will need to login to DSB with your username and password.  (If unsure, you can reset those yourself at the login screen, or contact the bank). Once you are logged in, click Profile in main menu >  Login Settings. Locate the FaceID. Click the circle to select FaceID. The next screen will prompt you to enter your DSBconnect password. This is a security feature. A green bar should appear at bottom of screen to verify FaceID has been enabled.

You must have FaceID enabled in your iPhone settings to allow FaceID to open the DSB mobile app. This can be done by going to the Settings icon on the phone.  Scroll until you find DSB Mobile, click it.  FaceID selection should be in the “On” position (slide button to the right displaying green).

Sometimes, app developers and iOS/Android systems upgrade and disable the biometric settings.  Here is how to re-enable them for logins. 

Out of Band Authentication (OOBA)
Out Of Band multi-factor authentication (OOBA MFA) is set up and used on digital banking logins, when triggered. This authentication is triggered if your login is entered on an unrecognized device. When that happens, before the login access is allowed, a verification is sent by text, automated phone call or on DUO app to the registered user, asking for verification.  Adding this additional layer of authentication minimizes the risks of unauthorized logins commonly done in fraud and scam situations that pressure the digital user to reveal their login credentials, and the fraudster can then attempt to login as the user and illegally access and transfer funds out of accounts.  This helps ensure that only the registered user is able to login and access their bank account information.

Password: save
For maximum security, DSBconnect is coded to not allow passwords to be saved for future logins. It does, however, allow usernames to be remembered.  You can click the “Remember Username” box on the login page to prefill your username for future logins.  You also can click “Remember This Device” below the security question answer box.  By selecting these two boxes, you will need to type only your password to login to DSBconnect.  If your password is being saved on a browser login, it is your browser settings that is saving that password, not the DSBconnect system. 

See "Apps" section above.

Person to Person (P2P)
P2P can be funded from DSB checking accounts only, not savings accounts. P2Ps are instant, real-time transfers and cannot be set up for scheduled or recurring transfers. The default limit is $3,000, and the bank can overrride, upon request, to $10,000 max. You can use P2P to send funds to an outside checking account you own that has a linked debit card; funds are transferred immediately. If your outside account is not a checking and/or if it does not have a linked debit card, you will need to use Transfer Money > Transfers, Bill Pay, P2P > New Transaction > External Transfers instead; funds are transferred in 2 days.

P2P is not automatically turned on for DSBconnect uesrs. It must be requested by the user to the bank. 

Once activated, to use: Click Transfer Money > click green New Transaction bar > choose your funding account > next screen choose Add New Payee > next screen choose Person to Person > next screen type in receiver’s name and choose Email or Text Message (Mobile Phone) based on how you want to send to the receiver, and enter that receiver’s email address or mobile phone number > Add.  Now you can schedule the transfer for any amount under $3,000 and send. The receiver immediately receives the email/text with a secure link to click, enters their full debit card number and card expiration date (you as the sender never see this), and if good, the transfer takes place immediately, and funds go to the Available Balance of the receiver’s bank account. Once that card number is entered, next time if you do a transfer to that person, it goes straight to the card/bank account, no action needed by receiver.

Plaid authentication
See "Apps" section above.

There is no Print button. To print list of your account, in My Accounts click the down-arrow icon at top and it will allow you to open or save that in .pdf. To print transactions, click the down-arrow icon > Download Format = PDF/Print > Start and End Dates > Download.

DSB is a contracted Web Connect bank with Inuit. That means we are contracted to provide export data movements from DSBconnect, saving it to a stand-alone .qbo or .qfx file, and then you can import that file from Quicken/QuickBooks. We are not a contracted Direct Connect bank with Intuit, in which Intuit can pull in new transaction data by logging in to DSBconnect.

To register for Online Statements and Notices: Login to DSBconnect > Documents & Alerts > Statements & Notices > on the filter box, choose Statements, Notices, or All > choose your account(s) you want to register > skip date range > Apply. Next screen, you will want to read and accept the terms and do a test verify of a .pdf document > choose your account(s) one more time > Accept. Online statements/notices will be posted there from that date forward and no longer at Registrations for Online Statements and Notice must originate from the customer's login.

Login to DSBconnect and click the Manage Profile link at top of menu. Next screen, on right side, click the plus sign “+” next to Sub-Users.  It will present a screen to type in full name of the sub-user, the sub-user’s email address, how you want sub-user’s name to display to you, and a temporary invite answer (security code) that you will need to reveal to your sub-user.  At bottom in “Grant Access to Accounts”, click the plus sign > next screen click the boxes of the accounts you want sub-user to access > continue. An email will be sent to sub-user.

Sub-user gets the email, clicks the link, enters your invite answer you have provided. Sub-user will choose Username, Password, security answers, and accept the terms. Login completed.

Once sub-user has set up a login, now you as the owner can login as you again and click Manage Profile > Sub-Users and see sub-user name. Click it. At bottom will be the account(s) you assigned. Click the Edit link. This is where you can turn on/off the functions sub-user can do, such as Transfer In/Transfer Out > Save.

Unrecognized device for OOBA MFA
Our system remembers user devices by recording a “Device Fingerprint.”  Specific information from the user’s browser on that device is recorded to create a unique device fingerprint that is then logged if the user marks the “Remember this device” checkbox on the security question screen of the login process.  The system will identify any new device and will remember the device until the device reaches its expiration date or if the user clear off their identifying information.  Users will not be prompted with the OOBA or MFA security question when logging in from a device that has been identified and has not expired.

Once your OOBA MFA set-up is complete, the OOBA MFA is triggered based on these factors:

Keep using same recognized device: On your DSBconnect login screen, you are asked if you want to “Remember this device”.  As long as the device is remembered and recognized through the information already recorded, DSBconnect will not ask for repeated OOBA MFA verification.

Login from a different device:  If you login from a different device than the one you set-up the OOBA MFA on, it will not be recognized with your login, and the OOBA MFA will be triggered.

Same device, but un-recognized:  If you make certain actions on your device settings, such as “clear the cache” and “clear off cookies,” that will make your device un-recognized and un-remembered and will trigger the OOBA MFA verification at next login.  Certain anti-virus programs installed on your device may clear and clean identifying information too.

Annual renewal:  The device fingerprint we record about your device stays on record for one year.  Every 365 days, if not done already, an OOBA MFA will be triggered.

See "Apps" section above.

View Accounts
Even if you hide an account, that account balance will be included in the My Totals amount. 

See "Apps" section above.