How To Make Loan Payments
- When you get the loan, we can set up preauthorized monthly payment collection from any checking/savings account you own here at DSB or at any other financial institution. This is the most preferred method, as any changes made to the terms and conditions will be applied to the automated payment collection. Contact the DSB Loan Dept. to set this up.
- You can register for DSBconnect digital banking and do your own payment transfers from any DSB checking or savings you own, either as a one-time transfer or as scheduled recurring transfers. Login > Move Money > New Transaction > Internal Transfer > follow the screens.
- You can make a payment from an outside debit card, credit card, or ACH by using LenderPay from Propay. Fees apply and will be disclosed.
- You can use DSBconnect External Transfers to set up incoming payment from an oustide account you have at another institution.
- If you want to control the timing of payments from another institution, you can use their online bill payment service to send payments to DSB whenever you wish.
- If you pay by mailing a check to DSB, include the check and the payment notice you received in the mailing. Mail it to: Denison State Bank, Attn: Loan Dept., PO Box 71, Holton KS 66436.