Banking Disclosures

Funds Availability

Withdrawals: Our general policy is to allow depositors to withdraw funds on the first business day after the day we receive the deposit. Funds from electronic direct deposits will be available on the day we receive the deposit. In some cases, we may delay the ability to withdraw funds beyond the first business day. Then, the funds will generally be available by the second business day after the day of deposit and no later than the seventh business day after the day of deposit.

Deposits: For determining the availability of deposits, every day is a business day, except Saturdays, Sundays and federal holidays. If a deposit is made during normal weekday business hours (which means from public opening time to public closing time on a business day Monday-Friday at each particular DSB location and through 6:00 p.m. for electronic transaction), we will consider that day to be the day of deposit. However, if deposit is made after normal business hours or on a day we are not open, we will consider that the deposit was made on the next business day we are open.

The same-day transaction cutoff time matches the public weekday closing time of each DSB facility.


Annual Disclosure Statement: Notice of Availability

Financial information about the bank is available to our account holders, shareholders and the public on request.

In accordance with federal regulation to facilitate more informed decision-making by depositors and the public, we will provide an ANNUAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT containing financial information for the last two years. This information will be updated annually as of March 31.

To obtain a copy of the annual disclosure statement, contact: Compliance Officer, Denison State Bank, 421 New York Ave, Holton KS 66436, 785-364-3131.

Community Reinvestment Act

View our most recent public compliance file.


Customer Identification Program

According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the country. Our ability to feel safe is becoming more difficult with terrorism and crime on a steady increase.

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account or requests a loan. When you open an account or request a loan, we will ask foryour name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents and make photocopies/scans. 

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Notice

The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available for review online at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau website. The data show geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age and income of applicant and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. HMDA data for many other financial institutions are also available online. HMDA data may be inspected at, or requested in writing from, the main office of Denison State Bank, Attn: Real Estate Department, 421 New York Ave., PO Box 71, Holton, KS, 66436. Data will be accessible as soon as periodic reports are produced.  


Terms and Conditions of Deposit Accounts

Contact the bank if you would like a copy of this.

DSBconnect Digital Banking

Terms and Conditions for overall DSBconnect

Terms and Conditions for Bill Pay

Terms and Conditions for Online Statements and Notices